Teachers of
Texans for Better Science
Education Foundation (TBSEF) wants to provide an
educational video free to as many as possible who
are teaching biology, or another life science, in
a public or private high school or college in
. This
video, entitled Where Does the Evidence Lead?,
is of the highest audio-visual quality and was
produced with the assistance of biologists,
biochemists, and mathematicians of the Discovery
Institute. The purpose of Where
Does the
Evidence Lead? is to inform the viewer of a
variety of recent research results that are being
censored from our textbooks because they are
contrary to the conventional Darwinist dogma
established over the previous century.
Other than the packaging,
this is the same video that in other places sells
for around $20. It is based on the widely
acclaimed "Unlocking the Mysteries of
Life" video, that has been shown
around the nation on PBS stations and
others. Where Does the Evidence Lead? is
formatted into six segments of around 10-12
minutes each, to facilitate classroom viewing and
Why such a generous video
 | Textbooks have ignored many important
research results of the last few decades.
Often these results call into question the
paradigm that random mutations plus natural
selection can explain all in the life
sciences. This newer evidence seems to call
for new hypotheses to be proposed and tested
with this newly observed scientific evidence.
But the establishment tends to simply repeat
the same old illustrations of the Darwinian
version of evolution that have been repeated
for so many decades. These long repeated
illustrations are sometimes called the
“icons of evolution”. But the students of
deserve more than a tour of these traditional
icons; they deserve an up to date overview of
modern research and the scientific questions
now facing researchers.
 | The Texas
Educational Code mandates that students be
encouraged and enabled to do critical thinking
about science using scientific evidence. In
fact the Biology TEKS b(3)(A) specifically
Scientific processes. The student uses
critical thinking and scientific problem solving
to make informed decisions. The student is
expected to:
analyze, review, and critique scientific
explanations, including hypotheses and theories,
as to their strengths and weaknesses using
scientific evidence and information;
 | The
TBSEF is dedicated to encouraging and enabling
the educational community to provide students
with a more complete and open minded view of
scientific evidence and research. Our
objective is to make more information freely
available to the educational community so that
they can learn from it and then use it in the
ways that fit their needs best. |
Why offer a Discovery
Institute video?
 | This video is both of the highest quality
and is a scientifically sound presentation of
much scientific evidence that is habitually
excluded from the textbooks. This includes not
only the weaknesses in the ‘icons of
evolution’ but several other issues, such as
the occurrence of information contained
in living systems' DNA and the difficulty for
very complex systems to develop gradually when
the absence of any one part will disable the
whole system.
 | The graphical animations of protein chain
synthesis and cellular functions are some of
the best available anywhere. It
clearly shows mRNA exiting the nucleus via the
nuclear pore complex, traveling to the
ribosome to deliver the protein synthesis
instructions or blueprints, construction of
protein, and then the three dimensional
protein folding that occurs.
 | The Discovery Institute approach is
appropriate for the public schools. They
include the whole range of observational
evidence but leave the philosophic and
religious implications of scientific theories
and evidence out of their presentation.
This approach allows science classes to focus
on the physical evidence and observations.
While the DI considers the possibility that
some of the physical evidence suggests that
there is intelligent design involved in some
way in life systems, they deliberately make no
attempt to identify a design agent or to
associate it with any religion. They consider
only the scientific observational evidence. |
We at the TBSEF want to
encourage and enable teachers to examine this
video and the information it contains and judge
for yourself what its value is. But you cannot
make an informed judgment unless you actually view
the video.
After viewing the video, we
encourage you to share it with your colleagues and
discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this
presentation. It is through open dialog that
we can expect progress in science and science
education. Without open discussion we can expect
only stagnation and indoctrination.
In the future the TBSEF will
make other informative materials available to the
educational community. We invite all
teachers and professors to register on our web
to receive further information on these
More information on the video can be found at
its producer website,
. There is a five-minute preview (from
Unlocking the Mystery of Life) at
if you have a high speed internet connection.