Home Up DVD Response DVDFeedback




"Where Does the Evidence Lead?" Feedback form


1. Your name:   

2. Your email:   

3.  Did the DVD package arrive usable and undamaged?

            YES                 NO 

     if no, describe:

4.  Did you personally view the DVD?
            YES                 NO 

5.  Did you encounter problems viewing the DVD?  If so, please describe. 

            YES                 NO 

        if no, describe:

6.  Did you show all or part of the DVD to your classes?  If parts, which parts?

            YES                 NO 



7.  How would you rate the overall quality of the DVD on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being poor and 10 being outstanding?


8.  Did you share the DVD with any other teachers?

            YES                 NO 



9.  Did you use the DVD outside of school (church, home, home-schools, etc.?)

            YES                 NO 


10.  Approximately how many students viewed either all or parts of the video, in either your classes or your colleagues classes?


11.  Were the students receptive to the video?

            YES                 NO 


12.  Did you encounter any retribution for showing or trying to show the video?

            YES                 NO 


13.  Did you receive any positive or negative feedback from students on the video?

            YES                 NO 


14.  Did you receive any positive or negative feedback from parents on the video?

            YES                 NO 


15.  Do you have any suggested "next videos" you have seen and would recommend?


16.  Do you have any suggestions for improving our DVDs to teachers program?



17.  Please include any additional comments, including ones relating to questions above (referenced by number) below.  (1000 char. max.)


Please consider helping in some way.

Thank you!